Mesa Redonda no Equador

Na quarta-feira, 24 de abril, foi realizada a mesa redonda para comemorar o Dia Mundial da Propriedade Intelectual, cujo tema foi: “Big Data e seu impacto na Propriedade Intelectual”. A…

ASIPI participates in Seminar on Enforcement in Panama

Enrique Díaz, Vice-President 1, María del Pilar Troncoso, Past President and María Cecilia Romoleroux, President of the Anti-counterfeiting Committee of ASIPI, participated in the “Sub-regional Seminar on the Observance of…

Roundtable held by the Cuban delegation of ASIPI on April 26, 2019

In this roundtable that took place in Havana, the mechanisms for resolving conflicts regarding intellectual property before WIPO were discussed. The procedure established in the Arbitration and Mediation Regulations of…

World Intellectual Property Day Celebration in Bogotá, Colombia

On April 26, the celebration of the World Intellectual Property Day took place in Brigard Castro’s facilities, within the framework of the “Aspire to Gold” Campaign of WIPO, which included…

Conferência ASIPI-APAPI-AIPPI na Marca Nacional

A Associação Internacional de Propriedade Intelectual (ASIPI), juntamente com a Associação Paraguaia de Agentes da Propriedade Intelectual (APAPI), eo Grupo paraguaio da Asociacióm Interamericano para a Proteção da Propriedade Intelectual…

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