Condena de USD 500.000 en daños y perjuicios por imitación de Trade Dress De Perfumes

Condena de USD 500.000 en daños y perjuicios por imitación de Trade Dress De Perfumes

Condena de USD 500.000 en daños y perjuicios por imitación de Trade Dress De Perfumes


This is a very important case, since it is one of the first judgments in Uruguay that condemns an infringer of intellectual property and "trade dress" to pay damages in favor of the owner of a trademark.
The importance of this judgment is based on the fact that: The concept of "trade dress" is recognized once again by the Uruguayan Justice. It is recognized once again that the expression “our version of…” constitutes an unauthorized use of the trademark and, therefore, a trademark infringement.
Condemnation to the payment of damages to the infringer of a registered trademark and trade dress, for an approximate value of USD 576,671 approx.

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