"Green Patents procedures in Brazil and the United States"

On July 27, Leonardo Cordeiro, partner responsible for the Patent department at  Gruenbaum, Possinhas and Teixeira IP and Roberto Rios, Director of the Patent department at Hoglund & Pamias, PSC, carried out a webinar on: “Green Patents” in Brazil and the United States. The main objective of the webinar was to explain the local rules and procedures of each country as well as to share the practical experience of the speakers on “Green Patents” in their respective countries.

“Green Patents” protect inventions in technologies of various technological fields that help to improve and preserve the environment as well as mitigate the effects caused by global climate changes. Countries that have implemented “Green Patents” offer an accelerated Fast Track process that encourages the development of products and processes in strategic sectors that contribute positively to the environment. Although currently the “Green Patents” program in the United States ended, the Patent Office (USPTO) offers other alternatives for expedited examination processes from which “Green Patents” inventions can be benefited.


This Webinar was attended by 81 attendees and you can access the recording of the event at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/832340582131812099



  • Leonardo Cordeiro, Partner at Gruenbaum, Possinhas & Teixeira Propiedad Intelectual
  • Roberto Rios, Patents Division Director – Hoglund & Pamias, PSC


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