Intellectual Rights 18

Intellectual Rights 18

Intellectual Rights 18


This year, once again, we are pleased to present the new issue of the Intellectual Rights collection in its eighteenth edition. On this occasion we are pleased to show you the version in ASIPI CLOUD, which not only represents an important step for our association in terms of disseminating material from our partners, but also makes this edition the first document that members have at their disposal later. of the ASIPI CLOUD presentation.
The twelve works that were selected have a characteristic in common: the conviction and legal certainties, which make their contributions allow us to understand in greater depth how Intellectual Rights has been growing during all its editions and achieving that the research works of the associates have been increasingly specific. This has contributed to our work area acquiring its own identity within the vast world of Intellectual Property.
With great pride today you will be able to read these valuable reflections on issues so considered by the world at a time of great oscillations in the field of intellectual rights.- Juan Vanrell


Alternativas de protección frente a la democratización del conocimiento por Byron Robayo Arroyo y Paz Horowitz Robalino Garcés

Este trabajo trata de establecer una alternativa válida para la protección de activos intangibles de propiedad intelectual, en países donde vivimos la línea política del socialismo del siglo XXI, que busca la “democratización del conocimiento”, desprotegiendo o desincentivando la protección de derechos de propiedad intelectual con el objetivo de que la industria nacional no se vea “limitada” a crecer por respetar derechos de propiedad intelectual de terceros. La alternativa que planteamos en este estudio fundamenta la protección de activos intangibles mediante la creación de secretos empresariales, lo cual conlleva que en caso de ser vulnerados, no se accione mediante actos de violación de derechos de propiedad intelectual, sino mediante actos de competencia desleal.

A evolução legislativa e jurisprudencial das indicações geográficas no Brasil: uma análise crítica por Ana Lúcia de Sousa Borda

Este trabalho discorre sobre a evolução legislativa e jurisprudencial das indicações geográficas no Brasil. O estudo faz uma análise abrangente da Lei de Propriedade Industrial (LPI) e destaca uma das mais importantes inovações introduzidas pela atual legislação de propriedade industrial: a proteção das indicações geográficas por meio de um registro próprio. No análise da jurisprudência administrativa e judicial são mencionados os equívocos cometidos no passado, atribuídos ao desconhecimento do tema por parte dos operadores do direito em um determinado momento. Nesse âmbito foram comentadas as decisões proferidas nos casos Champagne, Saint Emillion e Gamais Beaujolais. Várias das decisões analisadas merecem, no entender da autora, ser prestigiadas; dentre elas figuram as decisões proferidas nos casos Schwarze Katz, Borbonha e Bordeaux.

El caso fortuito y la fuerza mayor en los procedimientos de cancelación de la marca por falta de uso por Renzo Scavia

One of the legal strategies to avoid a trademark registration cancellation for lack of use is justifying such lack of use alleging force majeure events. It is of particular interest in this article, to explore some of the force majeure elements, their connection with the theory of the undetermined legal concepts and the wide administrative discretion margin in which said elements are applied. Moreover, within the scarce Peruvian case law regarding this topic, the non-use cancellation proceeding against trademark DIVA stands out as the only administrative precedent in which force majeure has been successfully invoked.

El régimen jurídico de las patentes universitarias en el Perú por Baldo Kresalja R.

The levels of development of several countries in Latin America, especially in Peru, made more valuable the importance of the relationship between the universities and the companies. This has led to a growing interest in the regulation of university patents and the rights and obligations of teachers linked to researching. The following article makes a study of Peruvian law applicable to that reality, mentions its gaps and omissions and proposes suggestions for its improvement. Mainly, this article is aimed for understanding the problem of ownership of employee inventions made in the university and the income of the teachers involved in the research. Also the role of the companies that sign research contracts with the universities; affairs that are undoubtedly of interest in several countries of the region.

La responsabilidad civil extracontractual de los prestadores de servicios de la sociedad de la información —intermediarios— por infracciones cometidas a los derechos de autor y derechos conexos. Caso de Ecuador en comparación con la legislación europea por Pablo Solines Moreno

Internet service providers (ISP) are most relevant in the digital world, since it is only through their services that can content be transmitted through the network. Thus, these ISP have significant importance in intellectual property, which is why a large portion of content is protected by law through copyrights and similar measures. It is essential that legislation, particularly that of Ecuador, carefully regulates the role that ISP can carry out in the digital world and establishes a framework of obligations and responsibilities to which they must comply as service providers, in order to safeguard third party intellectual property rights.

Indicaciones geográficas de vinos y bebidas espirituosas en el derecho argentino por Marisa Alejandra Garsco y Ricardo M. Gordó Llobell

This article on the legal regime for geographical indications and designations of origin in Argentina, makes a brief reference to the historical background, and then focuses on the characteristics of the system, highlighting the problem of interaction with the system of trade-marks and with the fair trade regime, considering it application under the analysis of applicable international law, national laws, administrative regulations and existing case law. Finally, it concludes in favor of the rules of interaction and promoting of agreements.

Alcance jurídico del ‘derecho preferente’. Particular referencia al Derecho Andino por Alfredo Corral Ponce

No abstract

Breves apuntes sobre el fundamento económico de la propiedad intelectual por Enrique Cavero Safra

Intellectual Property, specifically patents and copyrights, derive from one of the most interesting paradoxes of law and economics. Goods protected by intellectual property are informational goods, such as knowledge and culture. Therefore, it is socially desirable that such goods be accessible to as many people as possible, as fast and as easily as possible. However, both in the fields of technology and culture, informational goods come from innovation, which is not spontaneous as it i) requires of creators and innovators and ii) involves a cost. If there weren’t any intellectual property rights and, therefore, informational goods were immediately accessible to everyone at no cost, innovators would have no incentive to create new intellectual goods. Thus, the paradox of the conflict between two objectives, which are both socially wanted, but which cannot be obtained both at the same time. On one hand, universal and immediate access to cultural and technological innovation and, on the other hand, the generation of the incentives needed for the creation of such innovation in the first place.

This article is a brief review, from a law-and economics perspective, of the main aspects which lie beneath this problem, and of the relative situation, different but related, of other forms of intellectual property such as trademarks and publicity rights.

Generalidades sobre la nueva base de datos Clearinghouse y el URS (‘uniform rapid suspesnion system’) por Sandra Milena Rodríguez S.

ICANN approved the expansion of the creation of new domain names in a generic level gTLD. These names will have a global multiplication without precedent, as it is expected that in the next three years more than 2,000 new domain names will be constituted to enter and compete with the existing ones. In order to have a tool to protect trademark rights against these new domain names, ICANN created the ¨CLEARINGHOUSE¨, which aims to address this need throughout its two phases. On the other hand, and in a parallel way the URS (Uniform Rapid Suspension System) has been created, corresponding to a new procedure that generates the possibility of locking in a rapid manner, the domain names that violate trademark rights. This article will analyze how these new tools work and challenges arising from their application.

La legislación de invenciones en Cuba a tono con los requerimientos del Adpic por Dánice Vázquez de Alvaré

Decree Law 290 to repeal the Decree Law 68 of 1983 in an important part of their regulations, substantial changes in the regulation of inventions and industrial designs. The main changes are the inclusion of the protection of utility models, a better technique in the protection of industrial designs, the elimination of the certificate of author and the definition of patent certificate as the only form of protection of inventions. These and other topics will be covered in this article.

Tributación de bienes intangibles por Eduardo Leáñez Berrizbeitia

Venezuela does not have a specific treatment to intangibles, under either the general legislation (Copyright Law and Industrial Property Law) or the Tax Law. The Income Tax Law regulates presumptive income, where it provides the treatment of intangible goods international transfer and associated services (technical assistance, royalties and technology services). IAS 38 contains the accounting treatment of intangible assets. International tax treaties regulate the taxation of intangible assets, assigning taxation rights to the signatory countries in accordance with the type of income (royalties, business profits or capital gains). The software does not have a treatment in the national tax law, but its taxation is indirectly referred to in international tax treaties.

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