Intellectual Rights 20

Intellectual Rights 20

Intellectual Rights 20


Once again, the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property –ASIPI– presents the work "Intellectual Rights" in its 20th edition, which shows the great diversity of issues that were addressed in the different work instances of our organization during 2015.
In this publication there are research related to this book, it is, without a doubt, the most representative work of all the association's publications because it shows the diversity of subjects it deals with. Intellectual property and reminds us that to understand our area of practice takes much more than a legal look. Intellectual property it is a discipline that combines law, engineering, biology, anthropology, advertising, psychology and many other areas of knowledge.
Only if we understand this premise can we understand this publication and also the objectives of the association.
We invite colleagues from all disciplines and the general public to read and enjoy this publication.- Juan Vanrell


La propiedad intelectual como herramienta para enfrentar el cambio climático: discusiones sobre la transferencia de tecnologías ambientalmente amigables. Christian Anchaluisa Shive

This essay seeks to generate discussion about global warming as a result of the disproportionate relationship between the generation of pollutants and global capacity to absorb them, and how technology transfer and intellectual property, can generate conditions to counteract the problems mentioned, looking for a fair balance between respect and appreciation to the creation of human talent and the need of improve environmental conditions. The con tributions to the state of the art, which serve to mitigate the effects of global warming, deserve protection under the intellectual property regime, and will be called for the purpose of this work “environmentally technologies friendly, or EST, for its acronym in English.

¿Qué es la Comisión De Comercio Internacional de los Estados Unidos –ITC–?: Lo que toda empresa en Latinoamérica debería saber. Jose Antonio Arochi

This article explains a particular view of what the ITC is and the different scenarios that may involve issues related to intellectual property matters and how can it affect a region such as Latin America. This article is centered in Section 337 which is a contentious instance which mostly involves issues related to intelectual and industrial property matters. In this article the reader will clearly understand the contentious procedure as well as all the legal aspects involved in this process from its beginning to its conclusion.

Marcas não convencionais: a proteção de marcas não convencionais no Brasil. José Roberto de Almeida Junior

No abstract

Biodiversidad por José Carlos Tinoco Soares

In this article, we address the issue of biodiversity in all its aspects, dwelling upon the Amazon rainforest, traditional knowledge, environmental resources, laws, agreements and covenants; the responsibles and specialized agencies, the ECO Rio, the MADIDI Park and access to the genetic heritage.

El tratamiento de los acuerdos de coexistencia marcaria en el Perú por Renzo Scavia Revilla

This article aims to show the description of the applicable legal rules and of the case-law relating to the evaluation of trademarks coexistence agreements by the Peruvian trademark authority. In this regard, it should be noted the recent resolution of mandatory compliance issued by INDECOPI which establishes the minimal conditions that the coexistence agreement shall meet in order to be accepted by the Authority.

Contratos con managers, actores, actrices, modelos y quienes participan en reality shows por Natalia Tobón Franco

The contracts in the entertainment world are complex as lawyers engaged in this work must master not one but several areas of law: contract law, labor law and intellectual property in all its aspects: copyright, right to publicity and freedom of expression.

Reglamentación de la propiedad intelectual en las universidades paraguayas por Aldo Fabrizio Modica Bareiro

There is an incipient regulation of the assets related with intellectual property in Paraguayan universities so there is an urgent need to encourage them. One mechanism for doing so is to ensure researchers benefits for their effort, so that they have the moral satisfaction in recognition of their work and find in it an adequate compensation. This requires proper legal regulation of intellectual property rights in universities, complementing the provisions of various laws on the subject. Considering the current state of protection of creators in universities, particularly in the countries of the region, the author studies the current situation of the regulation of intellectual property applicable to Paraguayan universities.


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