Intellectual Rights 12

Intellectual Rights 12

Intellectual Rights 12


The Inter-American Association of Industrial Property -ASIPI-, which has completed four decades of fruitful work, once again approaches the readers of the “Intellectual Rights” collection with a message of greeting and appreciation, inviting them to continue collaborating with this collection, which has great practical value as a source of information and a means of consultation, both for researchers, experts and professionals in the field, as well as for those who, from the public and private spheres, must make decisions in the field of intellectual property. - Hugo Berkemeyer


ASIPI: Nacimiento, evolución y estado actual (1964-2006) por Horacio Rangel Ortiz

Chile: Nueva ley de propiedad industrial por Marino Porzio

Las patentes de invención para el desarrollo de latinoamérica por Carlos Mercuriali

A patentabilidade do segundo uso terapêutico na legislação e jurisprudência europeias por António de Magalhaes Cardoso

Confidencialidad. Protección de datos de prueba por Magalí Maida

Naturaleza jurídica de los nombres de dominio en el derecho chileno por Marcos Morales Andrade

Internet: Peer-to-peer communication. Are you covered in Brazil? Por José Eduardo de V. Pieri

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