Fashion Law Iberoamerican Guide

Fashion Law Iberoamerican Guide

Fashion Law Iberoamerican guide


Fashion is produced through inspiration, art, culture. It is an expression of what each society is and can be a flagship brand that represents each country. Currently, fashion is an industry that represents millions of jobs around the world, which produces endless opportunities for MSMEs, SMEs and entrepreneurs to take flight based mainly on their imagination.
This industry brings with it an economic revolution, being a secure source of income, a focus for exports and a fun way to promote the creation of a national product. That is why, in its fight to protect Intellectual Property in all its branches, ASIPI is proud to present this Ibero-American Guide, which was prepared by the Fashion Law Committee in order to assist lawyers and other industry players. of fashion. This compilation includes standards from 21 countries in the region, proving to be an ideal reference on the set of laws that regulate the creation, protection and distribution of the products of this economic sector.
In addition, the guide addresses the defense mechanisms available in each jurisdiction, rules applicable to unfair competition, trademark licensing, domain name registration, consumer protection and other extremely important aspects.

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