Promote equality in times of Covid19

Promote equality in times of Covid19

On October 15, we had this webinar in which new situations that are occurring regarding COVID-19 and its relationship with the issues of diversity and gender equity were presented. Gender equity does not mean how many men and women work in the organization but rather the focus of the organizational culture: that it is inclusive, that men and women are heard equally, that there is flexibility so that both can fulfill their parental obligations .

They discussed practices that can be implemented to close gender gaps and the positive return of the implementation of these policies to the company itself; as well as programs for the inclusion of collaborators with physical limitations that have been implemented by different companies.

Andrea de la Piedra from Aequales Peru, Marlene Molero from Gender Lab, Fancy De los Santos from INDECOPI were the panelists and Maritza Reátegui from the Diversity Committee of ASIPI the moderator.


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