Trademark Updates and Developments at the United States Patent and Trademark Office

Trademark Updates and Developments at the United States Patent and Trademark Office

A webinar was held on June 23 with the USPTO to learn and understand all new measures for trademark filings, as well as for usage checks and renewals. Despite being a very liberal system, measures are more restrictive, however, these seek to have a more real and transparent systems by avoiding abuses and bad practices by part of third parties. The industrial property offices of Latin America want to free up processes or make them less restrictive, however, the USPTO's experience teaches that making processes less complicated is good as long as the rule of law is not violated or put at risk as well as the protection of industrial property rights. Coercive measures that guarantee best practices and ethical behavior by part of the professionals are meaningless if they cannot be applied, so it is necessary to regulate the agents and / or lawyers.

Cynthia Henderson and Jennifer D. Chicoski from the USPTO were the speakers and the moderator was Enrique Díaz, Vice President 1 of ASIPI.

You can access the recording here.


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