A New Song! Technological platforms – Challenges and opportunities under new uses and music licensing

A New Song! Technological platforms – Challenges and opportunities under new uses and music licensing

CD’s and live performances became the main source of entertainment for the public; technology has given rise to important changes in the way the consumer accesses musical entertainment. Streaming or streaming online music in real time is a way through which it is transmitted without the need to download files with content; several providers offer access to music through this method for reception and playback on different types of devices (i.e. Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, among others). Especially relevant is YouTube, which has become a platform for potential artists and renowned artists. These changes, in turn, imply challenges to ensure a fairly remunerated use of the contents protected by the intellectual property between those that form the value chain of the musical industry. The licensing of the music and its conditions  take on special relevance in front of voices of alarm that say that those technological platforms could end with the music industry; others say that it is the today and the future of how music is accessed and that they are an effective way to fight piracy. Speakers will address the uses and licensing of music through the internet, their licensing, the challenges they face and the opportunities that technology represents for the development of music, composers and interpreters.