Sergio Gutiérrez Muralles

Servicios Financieros Corporativos - Guatemala

Sergio Gutiérrez Muralles

Servicios Financieros Corporativos - Guatemala

Curriculum Vitae

Sergio is a Public Accountant and Auditor, he has master’s degrees in Business Administration and Project Management. He has also explored the social and humanistic areas, studying Philosophy at the bachelor’s and master’s levels. He is also a professor of Professional Ethics. In the professional world, he currently runs a boutique firm dedicated to providing specialized financial services, focused on the valuation of projects, businesses, companies, structuring of offshore and inshore corporate entities, tax planning and project development. He has been CFO in Regional Groups with participation in different industries, including Real Estate, Food (production, distribution and retail), Agro, Gas, among others.
He has participated in the acquisition and sale of companies, in the implementation of ERP’s such as SAP. Currently, he participates in different Boards of Directors in Food (Retail), Agribusiness, Business School, Hospital and Real Estate Development companies.

All sessions by Sergio Gutiérrez Muralles

Demystifying IP Finances

Mon, Jun 05 2023
09:30 a 10:40 hs
Room Amazonas