Brand protection in the evolving social media environment

Daniel Legaspi

Santamarina y Steta, S.C. - Mexico

Megan Carpenter

University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law - USA

Maritza Reátegui

Rodrigo, Elias & Medrano Abogados - Peru

Brand protection in the evolving social media environment

Social networks are a world in permanent evolution. The technology, which currently makes quantum leaps between very short periods of time, will accelerate changes and new practices on the Internet. Trademark owners make a great effort to understand, know and profile unauthorized uses in social networks, their impact and how to stop them by identifying them. The platforms provided by social networks, on the one hand, constitute an obligatory reference as part of the solution to the infringement of trademark rights in such networks; on the other hand, there are the administrative and judicial levels, which are confronted with rules, requirements and processes that may not be effective due to time issues and the scope of the jurisdiction. Speaers will share strategies and best practices for trademark law enforcement on social media.