Forms that seduce: Industrial design’s protection strategies

Carolina Velez

Prebel - Colombia

Ben Natter

Haug Partners LLP - USA

Iván Sempere

Padima - Spain

Laura Collada

Dumont - Mexico

Forms that seduce: Industrial design’s protection strategies

Industrial design is a competitive element of the first order; the unique shape given to a product or its container can be decisive in attracting the consumer and provoking their purchase. There are several intense sectors in the generation and use of industrial designs; for some the window of market opportunity is short. Like other categories that make up the world of intellectual property, designs face unauthorized uses or acts of unfair competition. Based on the existing protection systems, speakers will share experiences on protection strategies for specific sectors.

Industrial design is a competitive element of the first order; the unique shape given to a product or its container can be decisive in attracting the consumer and provoking their purchase. There are several intense sectors in the generation and use of industrial designs; for some the window of market opportunity is short. Like other categories that make up the world of intellectual property, designs face unauthorized uses or acts of unfair competition. Based on the existing protection systems, speakers will share experiences on protection strategies for specific sectors.