Main Challenges on the use of Intangible Assets as Source of Financing

Allan Jarry

JarryIP SpA - Chile

Fernando Gastelbondo

CompassBranding - Colombia

Marco Matías Alemán

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) - Switzerland

Gabriel Leonardos

ABPI - Brazil

Main Challenges on the use of Intangible Assets as Source of Financing

The field of intangible asset finance financing is still in its infancy. The ecosystem for intangible asset finance faces a number of obstacles that make it difficult to scale: valuing intangibles is hard, lenders and investors lack a solid understanding of intangibles, regulators do not encourage the use of intangibles as collateral, transaction costs make intangible asset finance less attractive, intangibles can be hard to liquidate. This panel proposes to address some of those challenges.