Workshop: Digital media evidence for administrative and judicial trademark cases: obtention and certification

Mag. Army Ferreira

Procuraduría General de la República (PGR) - Dominican Republic

Sebastián Lovera

Ladas & Parry - USA

Luis Baz

Elzaburu - Spain

Lilly Acevedo

Procuraduria General de la República - Dominican Republic

Workshop: Digital media evidence for administrative and judicial trademark cases: obtention and certification

The digitization of administrative and judicial processes and files has tested the design and inventiveness of lawyers and judges to be able to incorporate electronic evidence to the processes and resolve in accordance with it. Lawyers have legal and technical tools to use to facilitate and improve the production of evidence and thus obtain positive results in jurisdictional decisions. Maybe in the coming years the success in these processes will depend largely on the management and use that can be given to these tools and the effectiveness in presenting electronic evidence.